
An object with various functions to assist with animations, used internally.


[method:Array convertArray]( array, type, forceClone )

Converts an array to a specific type.

[method:Array flattenJSON]( jsonKeys, times, values, valuePropertyName )

Used for parsing AOS keyframe formats.

[method:Array getKeyframeOrder]( times )

Returns an array by which times and values can be sorted.

[method:Boolean isTypedArray]( object )

Returns `true` if the object is a typed array.

[method:AnimationClip makeClipAdditive]( [param:AnimationClip targetClip], [param:Number referenceFrame], [param:AnimationClip referenceClip], [param:Number fps] )

Converts the keyframes of the given animation clip to an additive format.

[method:Array sortedArray]( values, stride, order )

Sorts the array previously returned by [page:AnimationUtils.getKeyframeOrder getKeyframeOrder].

[method:AnimationClip subclip]( [param:AnimationClip clip], [param:String name], [param:Number startFrame], [param:Number endFrame], [param:Number fps] )

Creates a new clip, containing only the segment of the original clip between the given frames.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]