
What is a color space?

Every color space is a collection of several design decisions, chosen together to support a large range of colors while satisfying technical constraints related to precision and display technologies. When creating a 3D asset, or assembling 3D assets together into a scene, it is important to know what these properties are, and how the properties of one color space relate to other color spaces in the scene.

sRGB colors and white point (D65) displayed in the reference CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram. Colored region represents a 2D projection of the sRGB gamut, which is a 3D volume. Source: Wikipedia
These three parameters — color primaries, white point, and transfer functions — define a color space, with each chosen for particular goals. Having defined the parameters, a few additional terms are helpful:

Consider two very common color spaces: [page:SRGBColorSpace] ("sRGB") and [page:LinearSRGBColorSpace] ("Linear-sRGB"). Both use the same primaries and white point, and therefore have the same color gamut. Both use the RGB color model. They differ only in the transfer functions — Linear-sRGB is linear with respect to physical light intensity. sRGB uses the nonlinear sRGB transfer functions, and more closely resembles the way that the human eye perceives light and the responsiveness of common display devices.

That difference is important. Lighting calculations and other rendering operations must generally occur in a linear color space. However, a linear colors are less efficient to store in an image or framebuffer, and do not look correct when viewed by a human observer. As a result, input textures and the final rendered image will generally use the nonlinear sRGB color space.

ℹ️ NOTICE: While some modern displays support wider gamuts like Display-P3, the web platform's graphics APIs largely rely on sRGB. Applications using three.js today will typically use only the sRGB and Linear-sRGB color spaces.

Roles of color spaces

Linear workflows — required for modern rendering methods — generally involve more than one color space, each assigned to a particular role. Linear and nonlinear color spaces are appropriate for different roles, explained below.

Input color space

Colors supplied to three.js — from color pickers, textures, 3D models, and other sources — each have an associated color space. Those not already in the Linear-sRGB working color space must be converted, and textures be given the correct texture.colorSpace assignment. Certain conversions (for hexadecimal and CSS colors in sRGB) can be made automatically if the THREE.ColorManagement API is enabled before initializing colors:

THREE.ColorManagement.enabled = true;

⚠️ WARNING: Many formats for 3D models do not correctly or consistently define color space information. While three.js attempts to handle most cases, problems are common with older file formats. For best results, use glTF 2.0 ([page:GLTFLoader]) and test 3D models in online viewers early to confirm the asset itself is correct.

Working color space

Rendering, interpolation, and many other operations must be performed in an open domain linear working color space, in which RGB components are proportional to physical illumination. In three.js, the working color space is Linear-sRGB.

Output color space

Output to a display device, image, or video may involve conversion from the open domain Linear-sRGB working color space to another color space. This conversion may be performed in the main render pass ([page:WebGLRenderer.outputColorSpace]), or during post-processing.

renderer.outputColorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace; // optional with post-processing

⚠️ WARNING: Render targets may use either sRGB or Linear-sRGB. sRGB makes better use of limited precision. In the closed domain, 8 bits often suffice for sRGB whereas ≥12 bits (half float) may be required for Linear-sRGB. If later pipeline stages require Linear-sRGB input, the additional conversions may have a small performance cost.

Custom materials based on [page:ShaderMaterial] and [page:RawShaderMaterial] have to implement their own output color space conversion. For instances of `ShaderMaterial`, adding the `colorspace_fragment` shader chunk to the fragment shader's `main()` function should be sufficient.

Working with THREE.Color instances

Methods reading or modifying [page:Color] instances assume data is already in the three.js working color space, Linear-sRGB. RGB and HSL components are direct representations of data stored by the Color instance, and are never converted implicitly. Color data may be explicitly converted with .convertLinearToSRGB() or .convertSRGBToLinear().

// RGB components (no change). color.r = color.g = color.b = 0.5; console.log( color.r ); // → 0.5 // Manual conversion. color.r = 0.5; color.convertSRGBToLinear(); console.log( color.r ); // → 0.214041140

With ColorManagement.enabled = true set (recommended), certain conversions are made automatically. Because hexadecimal and CSS colors are generally sRGB, [page:Color] methods will automatically convert these inputs from sRGB to Linear-sRGB in setters, or convert from Linear-sRGB to sRGB when returning hexadecimal or CSS output from getters.

// Hexadecimal conversion. color.setHex( 0x808080 ); console.log( color.r ); // → 0.214041140 console.log( color.getHex() ); // → 0x808080 // CSS conversion. color.setStyle( 'rgb( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 )' ); console.log( color.r ); // → 0.214041140 // Override conversion with 'colorSpace' argument. color.setHex( 0x808080, LinearSRGBColorSpace ); console.log( color.r ); // → 0.5 console.log( color.getHex( LinearSRGBColorSpace ) ); // → 0x808080 console.log( color.getHex( SRGBColorSpace ) ); // → 0xBCBCBC

Common mistakes

When an individual color or texture is misconfigured, it will appear darker or lighter than expected. When the renderer's output color space is misconfigured, the entire scene may appear darker (e.g. missing conversion to sRGB) or lighter (e.g. a double conversion to sRGB with post-processing). In each case the problem may not be uniform, and simply increasing/decreasing lighting does not solve it.

A more subtle issue appears when both the input color spaces and the output color spaces are incorrect — the overall brightness levels may be fine, but colors may change unexpectedly under different lighting, or shading may appear more blown-out and less soft than intended. These two wrongs do not make a right, and it's important that the working color space be linear ("scene referred") and the output color space be nonlinear ("display referred").

Further reading